Reviewers play an important role in the review process of the submitted manuscript along with the support of Editorial Board Members, to judge the quality of the submitted manuscript. Based on their research expertise EB members are requested to handle the submitted manuscripts. EB members who accepts the review request will handle the review process themselves based on their own knowledge and expertise in that field or they can assign this task to reviewers.
Reviewers can intimate their decision regarding review request either accept/reject and can suggest any of their colleagues or associates to review the manuscript. The concerned editor will invite the person (who are suggested by reviewer) to review the manuscript and reviewer should not transfer their solicitation.
Reviewer should determine whether the article is within the scope of the journal or not and is within the expertise of him or not.
The assigned reviewers can submit their review comments and review form by mentioning one of the decision (• Accept • Minor revision • Major revision • Reject Reviewer Instructions Unbiased Comments) to editorial office, but the assigned EB member is the final decision maker. At any time the identity of the reviewer should never be revealed out to the authors either during the process of review or after its publication. Without the permission of editors should not assign the articles to other people.
The review comments provided by reviewers must be transparent, unbiased, be specific and detail, must relevant and support to increase the quality of manuscript and should not involve any personal or professional conflicts. Reviewer itself can do the minor corrections like grammatical errors. Review comments are expected within the time period assigned by the Editorial office. The timeline for review comments submission is 7 days for Short Reports and 10 days for Research/Review/Case Reports.
Reviewers can submit confidential comments to editorial office regarding the article. Reviewers should not never reveal the images or videos or supplementary material of the assigned article to non-reviewers. Without having authors written statement reviewers are requested don’t use any data of the assigned manuscript. To enhance the quality of the article reviewer can suggest new ideas to authors, to add in the manuscript. If the reviewer finds that the manuscript is already reviewed by you for any other journal, you should inform the editor immediately.
Submissions from non-English native language authors will be assigned to reviewers, in that cases, the quality of the manuscript and the quality of the ideas that the manuscript put across is imperative for a reviewer to differentiate, even if they are not articulated well, those manuscripts may be good. Reviewers are requested to mention the proper reasons (like what are the weak points and the area to be improved further) to reject the article. Editorial office will resolve any kind of conflicts. Reviewers will be benefited while submitting the manuscript by processing fee concession.