Peer review process is the evaluation of work and procedures as a form of self-regulation by one or more qualified persons of same profession within the relevant field. Peer review process is used to maintain high quality, performance improvement and to provide reliability.

SunKrist Publishing follows the Double Blind Peer Review Process to avoid conflicts, in this process both the reviewers and the authors have not disclosed to each other. All journals in SunKrist Publishing are fully peer-reviewed by academic editors and reviewers. Each journal in SunKrist Publishing has an Editorial Board from academics, universities, institutions all over the world.

To maintain and develop the quality of manuscript peer review process involves many steps which are plagiarism checking, assigning peer reviewers, proof reading, file format change, web maintenance etc. These steps involve certain costs, the Article Processing Fee paid by authors helps to compensate the production costs up to some extent.

Based on the content of the manuscript only articles will be accepted, but not based on the reputation of the author. Based on the writing style, subject matter or self-citation reviewers may identify the author.

Kindly submit your manuscript as separate files with presenting the following items.

  • Title page of the manuscript will not be send reviewers, so please maintain it as separate file from the manuscript. Title page contains corresponding author and co-authors' names, departments, university/hospital/institutions, country; complete address for the corresponding author, including contact number and an e-mail address; Acknowledgements; Conflict of interest; Funding source.
  • Remove the names and affiliations after the title, prepare the manuscript correctly for the review process.
  • Authors can submit their article through the online system or through journal email. After receiving an article the author will receive an acknowledgement mail from journal editorial office and the complete review process will be handled by the editor. Our editorial office will check the quality and plagiarism for received article. Plagiarism is a crime, try to avoid plagiarism while preparing manuscript. We don’t encourage to publish plagiarized content. If the manuscript has plagiarized content the manuscript will be rejected immediately.
  • The manuscript will be accepted for review process, if it has quality and uniqueness in content and the editorial office will send article acceptance mail to author. Editorial office will send the review request to the editorial board of that particular journal. The reviewers consider the review request based on their expertise, interest and availability.
  • Manuscript will be send to EB members and reviewers who accepted to review the article. The reviewer should provide comments on or before the due date which is given by Editor.
  • Editorial office will receive the review comments (Accept without changes, Minor changes, Major changes, Reject) from EB members and reviewers and send those review comments to author to revise the article as per review comments.
  • After receiving the revised article, the editorial office will send the revised article to EB members and reviewers for rereview.
  • If the article is approved by EB members and reviewers, the article will be accepted for publishing. If the article is not approved by EB members and reviewers it will be rejected.
  • Editorial office will send the article acceptance mail to author, if the author wants to add or remove any content before publishing his paper editorial office will do it as per author’s request.
  • All the manuscript material will be forwarded to production department to convert the article to PDF format, the galley proof will be send to author to check if there is any PDF corrections before moving to online. If there is any PDF corrections, our production department will do it as per author’s request.
  • Once editorial office will receive the confirmation from author, article will be moved to online. Editorial office will send an email to author along with providing the link of his article.