SunKrist Publishing is an international, scientific peer reviewed, online open access journals platform to publish scientific research and innovation in various disciplines of science, clinical, medical, social and engineering fields. We primarily concentrate on science and medical journals to support scientific research and advanced technology, international science events.
SunKrist Publishing always encourage and support scientists, doctors, professors, physicians to share their research innovations, findings, medical cases, advanced techniques through Open Access platform. We are able to focus on maintaining high quality articles with the help of our academic editors to provide good service to our authors, readers.
To maintain highest standards we are following the double blind peer review process, we are providing permanent archiving for all the articles which are published with SunKrist Publishing, providing readers for unrestricted use and access, freedom to generate, to express, to share, to gain knowledge in their respective fields. All the articles published with SunKrist Publishing are downloadable, providing the relevant citation and published under Creative Commons Attribution License.
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